Yesterday I registered for an account at SixXS, got the account details, and then requested a heartbeat tunnel.
This afternoon I received the config details for the tunnel. I set up the tunnel on Lachesis and was then able
to successfully ping6 a few IPv6 addresses and browse a few IPv6-only websites.
(Apologies to any Minbari who may find that expression offensive or confusing :)
- Installed the AICCU software on the CentOS 6.0 server: "yum install aiccu"
- Edited the config file "/etc/aiccu.conf" with my tunnel config info. Set the username, password, protocol (tic), server, and tunnel_id. Left the rest of the file as-is.
- Ran "chkconfig aiccu on" and "service aiccu start" to bring up the tunnel.
- Ran "ping6 ipv6.google.com" to ping an external IPv6 address. Success!!!
- Connected to the server via vnc over an ssh tunnel, and started firefox.
- Did a google search for IPv6-only sites.
- Browsed to "http://ipv6.cybernode.com/list-of-ipv6-only-sites" for a list.
- Tested connection at "http://v6.testmyipv6.com". Success!!!
The site linked to a free whitepaper: "The 7 Deadly Traps of IPv6 Deployment and How to Avoid Them". Next step is to read through this.
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